Batch Pre-Heating Installation at Stoelzle Köfach

The batch pre-heating installation at Stoelzle Köfach.

Stoelzle Glass Group has successfully completed the installation of a cutting-edge batch preheater at the Köfach, Austria production site. This innovative technology uses hot exhaust gas from the furnace to dry and preheat the batch. it reduces the electrical energy needed for melting, significantly lowering the energy consumption of the glass melting process.

Overall energy savings of about 4,000MWh/year are predicted, which is equivalent to energy savings of 8% for the amber furnace and approximately 1.3% for the entire Austrian site. The project was made possible through the BMK, the Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action and Energy's environmental promotion programme.

Georg Feith, CEO of the Stoelzle Glass Group spoke exclusively to Glass Worldwide about strategic investments at Köfach in the July/August 2022 issue, available free of charge in the digital archive.


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